EMC offers structural building foundation construction and excavation in Essex County, NJ and also solves foundation support and foundation settlement issues by providing helical pier and mini pile installation services. Additionally, EMC can provide beams and earth anchors to secure residential, commercial, and infrastructure foundations in Essex County, NJ. EMC employs expert, certified installers of the full array of available techniques. These include conventional helical piers, grouted helicals, helical tiebacks, mini piles, micro piles, and earth anchors. EMC also installs I-Beams, steel beams and cribbing to support foundations.
- Micropiles/Minipiles
- Stelcor
- Driven Piles
- Grouted Piles
- Battered Piles
- Wood Piles
- Sheet Piles
- H-Piles
- Helical Piles
- Caissons
- Piers/Sinking Foundations
- Helix – Earth Anchors for new construction
- Pile Load Testing
- Sonic SideGrip Vibratory Pile Driving Hammer
- Rock Augering
- Bracing
- Tiebacks
- Jet Grouting
- Compaction Grouting
- Soil Nails
- Mudjacking