Environmental Drilling
EMC specializes in drilling and services using efficient and environmentally-responsible equipment. Clients include engineering and environmental consulting firms, insurance agencies, manufacturing firms, public utilities, federal, state, and local government agencies, and independent business owners.
Soil Boring and Sampling (Geoprobe®)
This versatile drilling method works to quickly and efficiently collect soil, groundwater and soil gas samples.
Monitoring Well Installation, Sampling and Abandonment
Our team of licensed professionals drills monitoring wells to measure the quality of groundwater in areas of suspected or known contamination. EMC owns the generalized and specialized soil boring and soil condition monitoring equipment to fit all types of conditions.
- Temporary overburden wells
- Overburden wells
- Bedrock wells
- Vapor Extraction Wells
- Air Sparge Wells
- Cathodic Protection Wells
Recovery Wells (Extraction Wells)
When contamination is known to be present, EMC installs recovery wells to pump and treat the contaminated water.
Certified Well Decommissioning/Sealing
EMC is certified to perform and highly experienced in well decommissioning and sealing activities.
Hollow Stem Auger Drilling
Effective in unconsolidated soil, sand and clay, hollow stem augers attached to the rig can drill and sample soil borings and install monitoring wells.
Angled Geology Probing
EMC can determine if contamination extends under a structure.
Aquifer Testing
EMC can use aquifer tests to determine the hydraulic properties of confined, leaky confined, unconfined and fractured aquifers.
Geotechnical Drilling
Utilizing direct push technology, our licensed probe operators use a range of equipment to delineate and characterize the subsurface terrain.
Test Boring and Core Drilling
During the exploration phase of a project EMC can drill core holes to identify where, and at what depth, certain geological formations are present. EMC always works to minimize the environmental impact of core drilling activities.
Piezometer Installation
Piezometers can be installed through hollow stem augers, air rotary holes, and rock core holes.
Inclinometer Installation
EMC can install inclinometers to monitor subsurface movement and provide information on developing instabilities. This allows engineers to make informed decisions on possible remedial actions.
In-Situ Treatment
EMC provides in-situ remediation services that eliminate or reduce the need to excavate the site and can achieve a significant cost savings. Typically, Oxygen Release Compound (ORC/HRC) is introduced with an injection pump via soil borings to chemically remediate the identified contaminants in place. EMC offers other injection services to meet your site-specific challenges.
Drilling Techniques
- Direct Push
- Auger
- Mud rotary
- Air rotary with casing advancement / ARCH
- Split spoons
- Rock coring
Site Remediation
EMC works with environmental engineering firms to provide turn-key soil and groundwater remediation planning, design and application services. Keys to our success are an extraordinary staff of skilled project managers, equipment operators and site supervisors using leading remediation technologies. All work is performed in accordance with ASTM specifications.
- Field Management and Supervision
- In-Situ Soil Remediation
- Soil Excavation, Loading, Transportation and Disposal
- Well Pad Removal and Restoration
- Soil and Erosion Control Installation
- Asphalt, Milling & Filling/Paving
- Earth Moving
- Demolition & Disposal
- Regulatory Assistance
- Storage Tank Management
- Underground Storage Tank Removal
- Above Ground Storage Tank Removal